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What is Whole House Air Filtration?

whole house air filtration system and purifier

Making Your Home Safe and Healthy

When it comes to your home, you want to be sure that everything is safe and healthy for your loved ones. We go to great lengths to baby proof homes, set up locks and alarms, and all kinds of other things to make the space safe. But what are you doing about the air everyone is breathing? The air that is circulating throughout your home is just as important as the water you drink. Make sure it’s healthy by installing a whole house air filtration system for your Orange, CA property. For help with that, contact Elite HVAC at (714) 464-6622.

humidifier and whole house air filtration system

What is Whole House Air Filtration?

Whole house air filtration refers to a system that can be installed in conjunction with your HVAC system. It provides additional, specialized filtration to remove mold spores, bacteria, allergens, and more from the air circulating throughout your home. If you have high-emitting VOC products near your home, a filtration system is ideal to protect you and your loved ones. Of course, everyone wants to know two important things. Do whole house purifiers work and how much do whole-house air filtration systems cost?

To answer the first question, yes they do! It has been proven that filtration and purification systems can significantly increase the cleanliness and safety of your air. After having a filtration system in place for a while, you can schedule an Indoor Air Quality Test to confirm if the system is doing anything. You’ll probably be shocked by the results. The other question is in regards to cost. Even a filtration system that is installed with your HVAC system can cost about the same as an asphalt shingle repair service. So really, if you’ve already paid for something like that, you probably won’t be paying more for a purifier. To learn more about your options, contact Elite HVAC. We are the leading HVAC experts in the area. We can help you determine the best options for your home and get started with just about any service you may need.

Benefits of Whole House Air Filtration and Purification

Are whole house purifiers worth it? That’s the question we get asked often and the short answer is, yes! A whole-house purifier or filtration system will help to reduce airborne spores, bacteria, allergens and more. This means the air in your house will be safer and healthier for your loved ones. What else can these systems do? Let’s take a look.

  • Healthier Air: Of course, one of the main benefits of a filtration system is healthier air. With a whole house filtration system, your air will be cleaner and safer for your loved ones. 
  • Removing Odors: These systems help to eliminate odors that can linger in the air. If you have a smoker in the house or someone has just cooked fish, you’ll notice less of those smells stick around. That’s because the filtration system traps particles that can create and perpetuate those odors. 
  • Less Dust: Believe it or not, but you can experience less dust build-up with a filtration or purification system. That happens because most of the dust particles actually get trapped in the filtration system, rather than hanging out on your tabletops.
  • Longer HVAC Life: In many cases, a whole house purification system can actually help your HVAC system last longer. These systems help your HVAC unit run more efficiently which in turn puts less pressure on it. In turn, you’ll have two systems that will last a while.

One of the best parts about installing an HVAC filter is that it can pretty much be installed on any system. So if you are having American Standard services done, you can ask your technician to see about installing a new filtration system as well. For more about this, you can contact Elite HVAC. We have years of experience with installing, repairing and maintaining whole-house air filtration systems. You can trust our opinion and services. Get started with us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the best whole house air cleaner?
    • It really depends on what you are looking for. While you can purchase a separate filter for individual rooms, your best bet will usually be a filtration system that operates with your HVAC system. This will provide the most bang for your buck. 
  • How much does a whole house HEPA cost?
    • The cost will vary depending on the size, model, and type of purifier you purchase. Ultimately, homeowners will spend between $250 and $2,500 for a whole house filtration and air purification system. The average cost, however, is about $1,300. 
  • How do I purify the air in my house?
    • There are multiple ways to accomplish this. You can start by opening the doors and windows, to circulate the air better. You can purchase fans and separate purifiers to better clean the air. Or you could invest in a whole house purifier/filtration system. 
  • Does HVAC purify air? 
    • On their own, no, your HVAC system does not purify the air. It circulates the air, so if the filters or ductwork are dirty, that will circulate through the air as well. You can install an HVAC purifier that will eliminate most of those problems. 
  • Do air purifiers really work?
    • Yes, they do! Purifiers and other air filtration systems really do capture harmful mold spores, bacteria and more. They help to keep the air in your home clean and healthy.
whole house air filtration system

Connect With Us Today for More

Schedule an appointment with Elite HVAC for a whole house air filtration system in Orange, CA. Call us at (714) 464-6622 to get started today!

Is Geothermal Heating Worth it?

residential geothermal heat pump

New and Improved Ways to Heat Your Home

When you think of heating your home, you probably immediately think of a big, bulky furnace. One that possibly requires gas or propane to stay on, providing your home with warm air. Did you know that there are other ways to get that ideal level of warmth in your house? If you plan on staying at your home for a while, then you may want to consider a geothermal system. To learn more about a geothermal heat pump in Orange, CA, connect with Elite HVAC. We’re available at (714) 464-6622

geothermal heat pump inside

What Is a Geothermal Heat Pump?

A geothermal heat pump, also known as a ground source heat pump, is a central heating or cooling system that transfers heat to or from the ground. So how do geothermal heat pumps work in houses? Essentially, it operates in the same way a typical heat pump would. This device uses a high-pressure refrigerant to capture and move heat in and out of space. What’s the big difference then? With a regular heat pump, heat is transferred in and out of a home by means of the air. A geothermal pump actually transfers the heat through long, liquid-filled loops that are buried deep underground.

The real question that every homeowner wants to know, though, is, “Are geothermal pumps worth the money?” And the answer to that is, yes they are, especially when you work with reputable Heating contractors in Orange, CA. This is considered one of the most efficient heating and cooling systems on the market. It efficiently generates more power than it uses, meaning that your energy bills will actually be lowered. Additionally, you can get tax credit for installing this type of system, earning you quite a bit of money in your tax returns. These are just a few of the benefits of a geothermal heat pump, but there are so many more!

Benefits of Geothermal Heating

The number one question we get asked is are geothermal systems efficient? Not only are they efficient, they are actuallythe most efficient system on the market. But that is just one of the many advantages you’ll experience with a geothermal system. 

  • Eco-Friendly: One of the great things about a geothermal system is that it is incredibly environmentally friendly. There is no carbon monoxide production or greenhouse gas emissions. It also requires less electricity to operate, helping to lower the demand for it.
  • Money-Saving and Earning: Because of how efficient this system is, you’ll save quite a bit of money over time. More than that, you can earn money off of it! That’s right, you can claim installation on your taxes and potentially receive a large return. 
  • Longevity: Unlike other heating and cooling options, a geothermal system will last you a while. The indoor components will survive upwards of 20-years or longer with maintenance. And the underground coils? That will last 50 years or longer. 
  • Safety: Geothermal is one of the safest options for your home as well. There is no combustion involved, which means you don’t have to worry about carbon monoxide poisoning or other typical concerns. Additionally, you are using renewable heat from the earth, not a fossil fuel, so you really are working with a safer system altogether.

Everyone wants to do a comparison with a geothermal heat pump vs furnace, but there is no comparison. A furnace will also have a place in any property, but when you want high-efficiency and dependability, there is no question. You may hear of horror stories with homeowners that didn’t have a good experience with geothermal heat. They likely didn’t work with the right team for installation and maintenance. It’s just like when you need a window replacement. If you work with a team that doesn’t know what they are doing, you won’t have good results. That’s why when you need reliable geothermal services, rely only on Elite HVAC.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does it cost to install geothermal heating?
    • The overall cost will depend on the type and size of loop system you choose. On average, though, a 2,500 sq ft home with a heating and cooling load of 60,000 BTU will require a geothermal system that could cost anywhere between $20,000 and $25,000 to install. 
  • Is geothermal heating and cooling worth it? 
    • Yes, it is! This is an incredibly unique heating and cooling system for any home. It is actually considered the most efficient heating and cooling system. Because you are using heat from the earth to warm your home, there is no energy loss. 
  • How long do geothermal systems last?
    • Geothermal systems are very low noise and low maintenance. Even with the suggested regular maintenance, the indoor components will last upwards of 20-years or longer. While the underground components will last 50+years. 
  • Does geothermal increase home value?
    • Depending on where you are at, a geothermal pump or system could provide you with some serious tax returns. Additionally, it will add a good amount of property value to your home as well. 
  • How much land do you need for geothermal heat?
    • Every home is different, but a good benchmark to consider. 400-600 feet of coil is needed for every ton of energy required to heat or cool a space. So, a mid-sized will usually require a 3-ton unit. This means you’ll need between 1,200 and 1,800 feet of coil.
outdoor geothermal heat pump

Connect With Our Team to Get Started Today!

Dial (714) 464-6622 to learn more about a geothermal heat pump in Orange, CA. A Elite HVAC representative will gladly help you. 

What is an HVAC Thermostat?

A Programmable Thermostat

What is HVAC thermostat

If you are having trouble keeping your home warm or cool, though your heating and cooling system seems to work fine otherwise, you may have a problem with your HVAC thermostat. You may ask, “What is HVAC thermostat?” Your thermostat serves as the control center for your HVAC system. It’s one of the most essential components of the system. It regulates the temperature, alerting the system to the temperature inside the room so the system can adjust and provide adequate heating and cooling depending on the setting. When the thermostat malfunctions, it can cause all sorts of problems with your heating and cooling system. Problems can range from the system running constantly to not running at all.

If you are having problems keeping the temperature adjusted or your system has stopped working, your thermostat may need to be repaired or replaced. For exceptional HVAC thermostat services in Orange, CA, rely on the team at Elite HVAC. Schedule an appointment with us by calling (714) 464-6622.

While your thermostat helps keep your home cool in the summer, there’s nothing like a cold glass of water to keep you cool, refreshed and healthy. To ensure you always have fresh, clean water to drink, you may want to consider installing a carbon filtration system for your home.

How do you know if a house thermostat is bad?

A problem with your HVAC thermostat could affect your whole system. Below are some ways you can tell your HVAC thermostat is bad.

  • HVAC thermostat not working: If your home temperature doesn’t change or the display is unresponsive or not lit usually means the thermostat is broken or needs batteries.
  • The heater or air conditioner will not turn on. A wiring defect may be preventing electric signals getting sent to the system, and shutting it down.
  • The heater or air conditioner will run constantly and not turn off. The thermostat could be miscalibrated or have faulty wiring. Faulty wiring is often a cause of thermostat issues. Usually this is because the wiring, and even the thermostat, are aging.
  • The setting on your thermostat and the room’s temperature aren’t matching. This may be normal if the system is set up for zoning, which regulates temperatures in different parts of the house. If the system is not set up this way, it may be faulty.

When should I replace my home thermostat?

Your home thermostat will generally last about 10 years or so before it needs to be replaced, which is also about the average lifespan of an HVAC system. If it at all possible, it’s best to replace the thermostat when you replace the HVAC system itself. You may also want to consider upgrading your HVAC thermostat to a programmable or smart thermostat, especially if you still have a manual thermostat. Programmable and smart thermostats can lower your bills and even extend the life of your heating and cooling system because they lower the system’s workload. Replacing older thermostats will also ensure your HVAC system runs smoothly no matter the time of year.

How much does it cost to replace HVAC thermostat?

Depending on the type of HVAC thermostat you get, the average cost to install or replace it ranges from about $111 to $250. The price includes the cost of the unit as well as installation. The thermostat itself can cost anywhere between $15 for a manual thermostat and $300 for a smart thermostat. Standard programmable units cost between $20 and $150. 

What is the best HVAC thermostat?

What kind of thermostat you buy will depend on your needs and your budget. One of the best smart HVAC thermostats is the third generation Nest Learning thermostat. If you are on a tight budget but want to get a programmable thermostat, a good option is the Lux Products TX 500U Universal 5-2 programmable. For non programmable electric thermostats, one of the best is the Honeywell TH3110D1008 model. 

HVAC thermostat with humidity control

Most current programmable and smart HVAC thermostats will have humidity control. Humidity control is essential to help prevent mold growth, especially inside air ducts. Ideally relative humidity inside the home should be at 50% or lower, and at most 60%. Leaving the thermostat on constantly puts a strain on the evaporator coils, which help manage humidity. For HVAC thermostats with built-in humidity control you can adjust the humidity level manually. For other thermostats you can adjust the temperature settings to manage humidity, especially during the summer. The ideal setting is between 78 and 80 degrees. Setting the thermostat on “Auto” will also help reduce the relative humidity. On this setting, the evaporator coils are allowed to cool correctly without putting too much strain on them.

A Technician Checks a Thermostat.

Call today

When your thermostat is malfunctioning, it affects the whole system. If you have a faulty HVAC thermostat in Orange, CA, give Elite HVAC a call at (714) 464-6622 for the most reliable service available. 

AC Maintenance Checklist

AC Maintenance for Unit Outside Home

What is AC Maintenance?

Each functioning part of the air conditioning unit requires maintenance. The air conditioner’s coils, filters, and fins all require periodic investigating, tinkering and cleaning by an HVAC technician. This is due to the fact that without regular maintenance, the air conditioner quality can suffer. Replacing air conditioning filters are one of the most important maintenance tasks that homeowners can undertake. Congested, dirty air filters block the normal amount of airflow that is usually possible. When normal airflow is prohibited, the air that navigates around the filter may carry dirt directly into the evaporator coil and impair the coil’s heat-absorbing capacity. When an HVAC technician comes to your home for scheduled air conditioner maintenance, homeowners should expect a thorough check-through of all the inner workings of the air conditioner unit.

How Much Does AC Maintenance Cost?

While many homeowners agree that air conditioning maintenance is necessary, the cost of the annual visit varies. Keeping the air conditioning unit in proper working order will increase savings in the long run by eradicating the need for severe repairs in the meantime. A flat fee for a one-time maintenance visit usually costs between $70 to $100 dollars. An annual maintenance contract will usually cost around $150. Annual servicing contracts are offered by many HVAC companies and vary anywhere from $100-$150 per year. Annual visits are part of this contract. 

How Often Should You Have Your Air Conditioner Serviced?

Commonly, one of the problems that affect air conditioning units is the need for ac coil replacement. When air conditioners haven’t been serviced for a number of years, the inner workings of the ac unit tend to suffer. It is important for heating and air conditioning equipment to be inspected on at least a yearly basis. This ensures that when problems occur, they are addressed immediately. For best results, the heating system should be checked in the Fall, and the air conditioning should be checked in the Spring. This is doubly true for oil-fired equipment, which should be cleaned and serviced annually, at the beginning of each heating season.

Is it Necessary to Service AC Every Year?

Absolutely. Ac maintenance is integral to the continuing efficiency of your air conditioning unit. This is because an HVAC or air conditioning technician will be able to diagnose future problems. This mitigates unwanted costs down the road. The cooling and heating system should be at peak performance during the hottest part of the year and the coldest part of the year. Contractors often get busy once summer and winter arrive, so it’s best to address problems before they finally occur.  

How Much is a New AC System?

Installing a new air conditioning system is expensive for most homeowners. The range vacillates between $3,350 to $5,912. Most homeowners are reported as spending approximately $4,631 on average. This cost is applicable to installing a new AC unit to your forced air furnace. For single window units or portable units, the expense ranges between $234 to $700. Ductless mini-splits are usually available for $660 to $4,500. It is important to note that the total cost will depend on how extensive the system will need to be to properly air condition a home.

Why AC Maintenance is Important

Preventative ac maintenance can help ensure that air conditioning emergencies don’t happen. If your air conditioning unit begins to sputter and die during the month of July, for instance, the initial cost of repairs will be sizable. Moreover, HVAC technicians are very busy during the summer, and locating a reputable HVAC company can come with its challenges. In addition, some of the components that keep the air conditioning unit running can be fairly expensive. Investing in ac maintenance can help alleviate and even remove some of those costs down the road.

AC Maintenance Benefits

The amount of AC maintenance benefits is extraordinary. Please read over the following list to become informed.

  • Increased energy savings. Setting up an appointment with a reputable air conditioning company can help increase your energy savings in the long term. Inefficient units draw an increased amount of electricity to produce the same effect that a clean ac unit would do effortlessly.
  • Environmentally friendly. By using less power to produce the same effect, fewer greenhouse gases will be released into the air and negatively affect the environment.
  • Longer-lasting AC unit. Through regular air conditioning maintenance, homeowners can expect their AC units to last longer, and more efficiently.

AC Maintenance for Summer

The water and air in your home are important. One of the aspects that most impacts your home is your water situation. If you find yourself in need of emergency plumbing repair, make sure to select a company with a credible reputation. There are a number of different things that an HVAC technician can do to prepare your air conditioning unit for the summer months. These things include changing the filters, cleaning the condensation lines, installing a programmable thermostat, and more. Cleaning is important for air conditioners, which is why the coils, fins, and the foliage around the concrete slab will be cleaned up. The ductwork should also be checked for leaks.

Two Air Conditioning Units Undergoing AC Maintenance

AC Maintenance How Often

Even if homeowners don’t believe that their air conditioning unit is experiencing any problems, heating, and cooling experts universally agree that its a good idea to have ac units inspected, serviced and cleaned once a year. As an HVAC system is in operation, it accumulates dust and dirt in key areas of the unit that negatively impact efficiency. It’s important to note that many heating and cooling companies offer low-priced, preventative maintenance service contracts. Inspections generally pay for themselves through improved energy efficiency. 

Have you browsed your ac maintenance checklist? Our friendly staff at Elite HVAC are ready to take your phone call at (714) 464-6622. Receive quality ac maintenance in Orange, CA!

How Do I Filter the Air in My House?

Air Conditioner Unit on the Wall Above a Sofa

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Believe it or not, but the indoor air that we breath is more polluted than the air we breathe outside! Think about it, the air that you breathe inside your property is undergoing constant recirculation with rare chances to be fully ventilated due to enclosed space. Even when you aerate your rooms every so often with open doors and windows in your home you are still allowing smaller particles that are not being captured by your regular HVAC filter. In order to maintain the health of your home or business, you’ll need a filter that will catch smaller particles where allergens and bacteria live. With a whole house air filtration system with an air purifier filter, you’ll achieve just that! In order to get knowledgeable information and options be sure to contact your local air conditioning service to learn more about air filtration for home. Ultimately the installation of whole house air filtration system will be just as attractive and beneficial as cosmetic changes such as a countertop installation as well!

Are air filtration systems worth it?

A whole house air filtration system is worth it when you want to maintain the air flow of your home and smoothly have air flowing through your vents without causing your system to consume too much energy with blocked filters. If your health is a concern then consider whole house air purifiers for allergies as they can greatly alleviate symptoms. Ultimately, whole house air filtration system with an air purifier can assist with easier breathing with asthma as well!

What does an air filtration system do?

An air filtration system is the typical standard of any home or business that incorporates the use of air filters into their HVAC system. These filters catch onto larger contaminants from entering your property before the air makes their way out of the ducts and vents in each room.

What is an air filtration system?

There are many types of air filters available with different strengths that can be incorporated into your HVAC system seamlessly. Particulate air filters, for example, are made of porous and fibrous material which remove solid particulates like pollen, mold, dust, and bacteria in the air.

How does an air filtration system work?

Air filtration systems work in tandem to your HVAC system which takes air from return air ducts either with indoor or outdoors units and run the natural air through filters which catch dust and other larger particles. The air will then circulate through each room in the property and will continue in this pattern as time passes.

Air Filter vs Purifiers

It’s important to realize that if you’re looking for a way to improve air quality in concerns to health an air purifier is the stronger way to go and can be incorporated into your whole house air filtration system easily. Essentially air purifiers are air filters that are able to catch smaller particles where bacteria and viruses live as small as .3 microns in size. HVAC filters are typically standard filters that catch larger particles as they pass the main ventilation area allowing smaller particles to pass through which produces large amounts of unpurified air. With air purifiers up to 99.97% of allergens, dust and mold can be removed from the air with the added ability to take away smoke and odors which a basic air filter can’t do. With high-efficiency air purifiers, you’ll see abilities go even further with HEPA (high-efficient particulate arrestance) technology.

Modern Air Conditioning System Installed on the Ceiling

What Is The Best Whole House Air Filtration System

  • Alen Customizable Air Purifier
  • Honeywell F100F2010
  • True HEPA/UV-C Air Purifiers
  • True HEPA Air Purifiers
  • HEPPermanent HEPA-Type Air Purifiers

What is the best whole house air filtration system?

If you’re interested in whole house air filtration system then consider the options in the market today which are known for their high-quality standards. The most popular air filters are typically those which tackle removing allergens which can cause aggravations to your senses as seen with sneezing, itchy nose, throats or coughing. The best HEPA whole house air filtration system is considered to be an Alen Customizable Air Purifier and the best whole house air filtration system for allergies is the Honeywell F100F2010.  If you’d like to incorporate a whole house air filtration system that has a gold standard for airborne and allergen particle removal then consider any model that features HEPA capabilities. In order to meet this classification, the Department of Energy has a rule that these types of air purifiers must be able to catch as small as .3 microns in the air.

How can I improve the air quality in my home?

Your indoor air quality can be improved even beyond the installation of a whole house air filtration system. Consider the cleaning products you use in your home and consider products with fewer chemicals. When cleaning with these products be sure to keep your rooms well ventilated so you’re not breathing harsh chemicals either. Other areas to consider are the compositions of your interior painting and furniture as VOC (volatile organic compounds) can be present even in these things.  Even without checking these habits at least try to be proactive in changing your air filters every 1-3 months and even earlier if you have pets or smoking occupants on your property. Considering your daily habits and even making efforts to clean your home or business regularly can assist in lowering dust and other pollutants. If you’re interested in whole house air filtration system then call a professional HVAC company for more information!

To learn more about a whole house air filtration system in Orange, CA call (714) 464-6622 with Elite HVAC!

Why is My Air Conditioner Not Working?

Compressor air conditioning system installation embedded on wall of building with flowers in a shrub on the left hand side of the photo.

Stay Cool This Spring & Summer!

With spring upon us and summer around the corner, it may be time to check on the functionality and durability of your home’s AC systems! When the hot summer days roll around, a cool AC can save you from the high humidity and become the breath of fresh air you were searching for. Yet if your AC is blowing warm air when you least want it and not cooling you off then you may just be stuck sweating it out until AC repairs come through. With AC repair you won’t have to suffer through the Orange, CA heat, you’ll be able to rely on your unit without worries no matter the day of the week. By contacting your local air conditioning service you can expect reliable and efficient ac repair for home. If you’d like to stay hydrated with cooler and fresher water consider carbon water filtration as a source of water purification for those summer days!

Signs You Need AC Repair

  • Bad Smells
  • Odd Noises
  • Warm Air
  • Poor Airflow
  • Frequent Cycling
  • High Humidity
  • Water Leaks

What is wrong with my AC?

If your ac is acting up and behaving differently than normal then it may be time to consider AC repair or replacements. There are several reasons as to why an AC could be behaving abnormally if you’re experiencing poor airflow than there could be a blockage inside your ducts, a broken motor or a clogged air filter. If humidity is higher than normal in the warmer seasons, your AC should still be able to adjust to moisture levels automatically. If it’s not and your home feels like a sauna, then consider re-calibration or installing a whole-house dehumidifier! If water is leaking on your property from your air conditioner than it could be refrigerant and condensation escaping. A clogged condensate drain line is usually a common cause of a leaking AC, it’s important in this case to clean out your AC in order to get it working once more. If you’re smelling bad odors than there could be microbial growth and it could be that your unit or ducts need to be cleaned or tuned up. Finally, if you’re hearing odd noises like buzzing or rattling than a part may be loose. With grinding or whistling noises there could be a more serious issue and a tune-up may be needed.

Why is my AC running constantly?

If your AC is running constantly then it could be that a tune-up is needed to solve the problem. Other possible reasons for your AC running constantly is a dirty evaporator coil which can make your unit work overtime to cool the property. On the flip side if your unit is constantly running as well as blowing warm air than your evaporator coil may have frozen up. A dirty or blocked condenser needs to be cleaned regularly as they can be blocked by dirt and debris outside. Sometimes a faulty thermostat may have your AC running constantly and ultimately would need to be replaced. Finally, leaking ducts can be caused by unsealed joints or lost insulation which would make the unit run harder to make up for lost cooling.

Why is the AC not blowing cold air?

First, run a standard check to make sure your thermostat is not on the wrong mode. Try setting the temperature lower than your home’s current temperature and make sure it’s switched to cooling. If it’s still blowing warm air, you may consider that your refrigerant is low and needs to be recharged. A leak in your ducts may also be a contributing factor to refrigerant loss as are the aforementioned frozen coils.

How do I know if my AC is broken?

Your AC will act differently in accordance to where you live, sun exposure, system design, user operations, age, energy efficiency, the condition of the ductwork and insulation values. With that being said, some signs that your AC is broken and may need AC repair or replacement is when your thermostat’s display has lost power and is blank, you’re hearing noises from your equipment or water is leaking from the indoor unit.

AC Repair vs Replace

You can try to incorporate AC repair parts when it’s appropriate instead of full-on replacements when a particular part like your coils or thermostat are the only issue. However, if your unit is already nearing 10 years and more than one issue keeps popping up periodically than the standard AC life expectancy is close to being reached and it may be time for an AC replacement.

Air conditioner blowing cold air.

Get Fresh Cool Air!

If you need help on how to repair AC unit then rely on the services of a trained technician. It’s recommended to change filters every 3 months or even earlier depending on if you have pets present or if anyone smokes in the property. Be sure to conduct HVAC inspections at least once a year so proper maintenance and tune-ups can be made to keep the unit in tip top shape. By keeping up with seasonal and annual AC maintenance checks you can save greatly on AC repairs in the future! Keep cool in the warmer seasons with a properly working AC!

If you’re interested in AC repair in Orange, CA call (714) 464-6622 with Elite HVAC!

How Can I Improve the Air Quality in My Room?

An Aerosol Can Spraying Contents in Front of a Blacklit Background

There Are Many Ways To Improve Your Home Air Quality.

Outside the air can be chock full of pollutants and other toxins that can affect our air. When we are inside, we assume that we are completely safe from pollutants, but the truth is, pollutants can find their way into our homes. Either we bring pollutants in through our clothes and shoes, or the pollutants are found right in our homes. Some of the most common pollutants that we can find in our homes are carbon monoxide, radon, nitrogen dioxide, secondhand smoke, mold, asbestos, and lead. The things can be found in home cleaners, paint, our stoves, and our fireplaces, which makes it feel like we are not safe from any kind of pollutant.

Indoor air quality at home is so important in order to have fresh, clean air, so knowing that our homes can be full of different pollutants and contaminants can be alarming. However, there are ways to purify your air and get better home air quality. Because of this a lot of people ask, “How do I purify the air in my home?” The answer is that there are several things you can do in order to improve your home air quality. In this blog post, we will go over what indoor air quality issues there are, what you can do, and how you can measure home air quality.

Home Air Quality and Health

Human Hands Break a Cigarette in Half

Not Smoking, Exercising Outside, and Using Cleaner Products Are Great Ways To Better Your Indoor Air Quality.

There are so many home air quality issues that it can be a bit frightening. Some of these things include odors within the home, indoor ozone, imbalances in humidity, stale air, allergens, bacteria, mold, household cleaners, and germs. A lot of people who want to tackle their indoor air issues, always ask, “What are the 4 major indoor air pollutants?” and the answer is mold, tobacco smoke, household cleaners, and gases like carbon monoxide and radon. These can seriously affect the quality of air in our homes, but there are things we can do. So what can you do about bad air quality? Here is a list of some of the things we can do to improve home air quality.

  • Clean Your House: Not only will your house be clean but you will rid your house of dust, pollen, pet dander, and dust mites that can cause allergies and other issues.
  • Use a Doormat: By placing a doormat right when you walk in, you can reduce the number of pollutants, dirt, and allergen that enter your home.
  • Get a Dehumidifier: There are a lot of things like mold and dust mites that love moisture. This is because they are able to grow and spread a lot easier. By investing in a dehumidifier, you can control the humidity in your home.
  • No Smoking: If you smoke or someone in your home smokes, do not smoke inside of your home. You can take it a step further by changing your clothes when you come in as to prevent secondhand smoke.
  • Use Natural Cleaning Products: Some of the biggest culprits of home air quality issues are cleaning. You can get your home to smell good as well as being clean by using products that are all natural or less toxic.
  • Test for Gases: The most common gases found in your home are carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and radon. To make sure you don’t have these floating around in your home, call someone to test for gases.
  • Exercise Indoors: Not only do we breathe in pollutants when we exercise outdoors, but we track those pollutants into our homes when we are done. To prevent this from happening, do your exercising indoors.
  • Download Outdoor Pollution Apps: Knowing what the pollution is like outside can help you find ways to avoid bringing that extra pollution into your home.

How To Measure Home Air Quality

People who are wanting to make a conscious effort to reduce pollutants in their home usually want to know, “How do you test the air quality in your home?” There are a couple of ways in which you can easily test and watch out for pollutants in your home.

  • Invest in an air quality test you can do yourself.
  • Install carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Always be aware of an increase in allergies.
  • Watch out for symptoms of dizziness, nausea, and fatigue.
  • Take note of construction going on in your area.
  • See if there is any mold in your home.
  • Do an at-home test for radon.
  • Invest in an air purifier.
  • Invest in air filter.
  • Change your air filters every two to three months.

If you want to take it a step further and hire someone to test your home air quality, that is a great way to determine if you need systems to rid your air of pollutants, allergens, and more. But who tests home air quality? You can call someone who specifically does air tests by searching online or you can call an HVAC company. A lot of HVAC companies are able to test your air and determine what kind of system you need for your house. Just like you wouldn’t call an amateur to install a PVC pipe, you wouldn’t want to call someone who doesn’t have experience with testing home air quality. If you would like services for indoor air quality in Orange, CA, please call Elite HVAC at (714) 464-6622 for help!

Furnace Maintenance Checklist

Technician Performing Home Heater Maintenance

For Home Heater Maintenance, You Need a Trusted HVAC Professional.

As a residential property owner, you likely have heard that you need home heater maintenance on an annual basis. Despite the existence of this commonly accepted wisdom, few homeowners take their HVAC maintenance needs seriously. This is a major mistake, and can lead not only to costly repairs, but possibly the failure of your furnace when you need it the most. After all, one aspect of proper furnace maintenance is the determination of whether your unit can withstand the heightened needs of its service on the coldest days. At Elite HVAC, we help ensure that the furnaces of our clientele can keep up with any demand.

One issue we frequently encounter as HVAC professionals is a homeowner’s drive to make repairs or perform maintenance on their own. While some small repairs are perfectly fine to attempt on your own, we strongly discourage DIY furnace maintenance. This becomes doubly true with a gas furnace, since improperly maintained devices can present a serious health risk. If you need home heater maintenance in Orange, CA, call us today at (714) 464-6622. We have affordable pricing for this indispensable service, and can offer exceptional work that ensures your comfort throughout this year’s cold season.

The Importance of Home Heating Maintenance

As stated above, home heating maintenance stands as one of your primary responsibilities as a homeowner. If you skip heating maintenance intentionally, or simply forget about it from year to year, you may have to deal with the following consequences.

  • Unreliable or Uneven Heating Throughout Your Home
  • Premature System Failure
  • Higher Energy Bills
  • Safety Concerns

As a furnace ages, it will naturally begin to develop problems that impact its ability to perform well. These can result from dirty air ducts, loose connections, worn parts, or any number of problems. As these issues accumulate, they will reduce your furnace’s effectiveness, and force it to consume more energy to render a comprehensive level of comfort. This increased energy demand will not only lead to higher gas or electric bills, but also put further wear on your system. This vicious circle can lead to premature system failure, a dire consequence that usually happens at the worst possible time: the coldest days of the year, when the demand on your furnace is at its highest.

Additionally, furnaces that do not receive maintenance can become safety hazards. With gas furnaces, problems with certain valves and connections can create a gas leak. Problems with your furnace’s venting can also lead to the entrapment of carbon monoxide in your home, an even more dangerous concern. For these and the reasons described above, you should absolutely schedule annual home heater maintenance with a service professional like Elite HVAC. If you do, you will enjoy the following benefits.

  • Up to a 30 Percent Reduction in Your Energy Bills
  • The Detection of Dangers Like Natural Gas and Carbon Monoxide Leaks
  • Maintain Your Furnace’s Manufacturer Warranty
  • A Safer, Warmer Home

How to Do Heater Maintenance Checklist

Dirty Vents Can Indicate a Need for Home Heater Maintenance

Dirty Vents Indicate a Need for Air Duct Cleaning.

We strongly recommend that you entrust your home heater maintenance needs to a qualified professional. Despite this, there are some elements of heating maintenance you can do on your own. These items can help you narrow down a list of potential problems before you call for service, or help ensure proper functionality in the months between your annual maintenance appointment.

Check Your Thermostat: Turn up your thermostat, and listen for the sound of your furnace’s activation. If you hear this, and it continues to run for several minutes, your thermostat works properly. If it switches back off after a short period of time, you are dealing with an issue called short-cycling. This could be caused by a thermostat in need of calibration, or an overheated heat exchanger.

Forced Air Checklist: Most furnaces operate by means of forced air, the process where an HVAC pushes air through your ducts. If this sounds like the type of furnace you have, you need to keep the airways clean for proper functionality. Perform the following checklist:

  • Check and replace your air filter(s) on a monthly basis.
  • Ensure that a professional HVAC technician checks your ducts for damage or wear as part of regular maintenance.
  • If your air registers are dirty, schedule professional cleaning of your air ducts.
  • Make sure that your furnace technician cleans the combustion chamber and blower, and inspects the blower belt.

Common Questions About Home Heater Maintenance

Checking the Air Filter as Part of Home Heater Maintenance

The Most Important HVAC Maintenance a Homeowner Can Do Is Replace the Air Filter.

How Many Years Does a Gas Furnace Last?

With properly scheduled maintenance and repairs, a modern gas furnace can last from 15 to 20 years.

How Often Should I Get My Furnace Serviced?

You should have your furnace professionally inspected and serviced once a year.

Why Do I Need to Service My Furnace Every Year?

Furnaces are high-demand appliances with a great number of moving parts, and the propensity to accumulate dust and debris from your home’s air. Furthermore, gas furnaces consume a type of fuel that’s toxic to breathe, and create an even more toxic substance, carbon monoxide, as a byproduct. For these reasons, regular maintenance is a dire necessity for both your furnace’s proper operation, and the health of you and your family.

How Do You Maintain a Furnace?

The most important thing a homeowner can do themselves to maintain a furnace is to check and replace the air filter on a regular basis. You can also pay attention to your air registers and call for duct cleaning should they appear dirty.

Is Do it Yourself Furnace Maintenance Safe?

No. Only a qualified professional can inspect your furnace for safety concerns like gas leaks, or the improper functionality that leads to carbon monoxide emissions in your home.

When Should You Replace a Furnace?

If your furnace requires repair more than once a year, or has surpassed the 20-year mark, you should go ahead and have it replaced.

Best Home Heater Maintenance in the Local Area

While we understand the “do-it-yourself” impulse, there are many home repair and maintenance tasks that simply demand professional service. When it comes to furnaces, especially gas furnaces, maintenance, repairs, and the installation of linked systems like a dehumidifying module necessitate professional aid. At Elite HVAC, we’re the local experts for home heater maintenance in Orange, CA. As an aspect of our maintenance service, we can make minor repairs right away, or offer an estimate for more complex needs. If we determine that you should replace your home’s heater, we proudly recommend a Bryant heating and air conditioning system. To schedule service or learn more about our company, give us a call at (714) 464-6622.

What Parts of the House Get Overlooked for Cleaning?

A Very Dirty Air Vent

Air Vents and Ducts Should Be Included in Your Regular House Cleaning.

Most adults have fairly set habits when it comes to house cleaning. They may clean the whole house once a week, or simply address messes as they appear. Some people clean obsessively, while others do the bare minimum. Regardless of personal habits, there exist areas in every home that never benefit from a good cleaning. For some of these areas and appliances, cleanliness is vital. Ignorance in regard to its necessity can actually shorten the life of an appliance, or contribute to the spread of unsavory particles around the home. For an authentically, pervasively clean home, pay attention to the needs of the following.

Household Elements You Need to Clean

Cleanliness is next to godliness, and a clean home is a more attractive, comfortable place to live. However, many elements that need cleaning are commonly overlooked. Before this neglect leads to appliance failure or health consequences, break out the necessary tools and get to scrubbing.

  • Air Ducts: Air ducts will gradually accumulate dirt, dust, mites, and more. Even worse, they will lead to the constant re-circulation of these particles around your home.
  • Drains: Drains collect hair, soap, oil, and food particles. As these accumulate, most often in your p-trap, they can inhibit proper drainage and emit a foul odor.
  • AC Coils: Your AC coils perform the actual creation of cool air. Throughout this process, they can become vulnerable to dirt and grime. Without cleaning, your coils will eventually fail, a consequence that leads to expensive repairs.
  • Vents: As with your air ducts, your vents can accumulate and recirculate dirt, pet dander, and more.
  • Washing Machine: Though it succeeds admirably in the cleaning of clothes, your washing machine cannot clean itself. If your clothes smell like mildew straight out of the wash, then your washing machine needs cleaning.

You should also include every household feature often touched, such as door knobs, remote controls, and lights witches. Each of these can become a haven for germs. While you can address almost all of these areas on your own, drains and air ducts need the benefit of professional work. Though they exist out of sight, your pipes absolutely deserve cleaning. If your drains seem slow, then you likely have an obstruction that requires clogged drain cleaning.

As for your HVAC, our air duct cleaning services can address one of the dirtiest areas of your home, and stop it from spreading dust, dirt, mites, and other unsavory elements. To schedule service from our team, simply call (714) 464-6622 for air duct cleaning. At Elite HVAC, we look forward to doing our part of your house cleaning.

How To Prevent Your Central Air Conditioner From Leaking

HVAC Technician Testing AC Unit

If Your Central Air Conditioner Is Leaking, Call Us For Repairs Today!

Your air conditioning unit should never be leaking. If it is, this is indication of a serious issue. If left ignored, you could have major water damage as a result. If your central air conditioner unit is leaking, this could be a sign that your condensate drain tube is clogged. You would think you would need central air conditioner repair, but the drain tube connects to your water line, so you would need pipe leak repair. The condensate drain tube can get clogged with hair, soap, drain cleaner, sediment build up, dust, and more debris until it forms a huge blockage. If your central air conditioner unit is leaking in your Orange, CA home, call a Elite HVAC technician at (714) 464-6622 for repairs.

Why Is Your Central Air Conditioner Leaking?

  • When the condensate drain pipe becomes clogged, it causes the HVAC system’s drain pan to overflow. This is why many people believe they have an air conditioner leak since they see water coming out of the air conditioning unit, but the clog is actually in the drain line attached to the water line.
  • Over time, drain pipes can loosen and disconnect from the central air unit. This will still result in leaks, but an HVAC technician is needed to repair this since the drain pipe is part of the HVAC unit and broke this time, not the clogged water line.
  • Floods can happen if the condensate pump becomes clogged or malfunctions.
  • Clogged air filter or low refrigerant are sometimes caused by frozen evaporator coils which cause leaks.
  • Improperly insulated ducts or cracked condensate drain pans allow air and water to seep through the gaps.
  • If the drain line does not have a working p-trap and air vent, water backup occurs.