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Are air purifiers worth it?

air purifier in home

How clean and healthy is the air in your home?

Like most homeowners, you most likely believe it is clean and healthy, but is it really? You change the air filter every 30 days, you’ve placed a few houseplants for air filtration and décor around the house, but is the air in your home really clean and healthy? 

If anyone in your home is suffering from allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues, maybe you should consider what in house air filtration systems could do for your home. Yes, those room air purifiers help some, but they can’t match what whole house air filtration systems can do.  Exactly, what is a whole house air filter though? 

A whole house filter maybe in a housing or it may be a cartridge that is installed into the ductwork right in front of the HVAC unit in your home. Some varieties fit in prior to being installed. Whole house air filtration systems purpose is to remove harmful particulates from the air in a home. Particles like the airborne viruses we don’t see along with mold, pet dander, pollen, and those everyday odors that we become accustomed to in our homes. Whole house air filtration systems clean and create healthy air for the whole home, not just one or two rooms. 

Where should I put my air purifier in my house?

Experts recommend that you place a stand-alone air purifier where the odor is the most offensive, the strongest. For instance, where the smoker in your home does most of their smoking or in a room that tends to have that funky odor. A few pointers where to place a stand-alone air purifier: 

  • An air purifier should not be placed  behind furniture or under furniture or shelving. 
  • An air purifier should be elevated, but not any higher than 5 feet from the floor. 
  • All exterior doors and windows should be closed when the air purifier is on. 
  • An air purifier should not be placed near electronics like microwaves, stereo equipment, or near a television. 
  • Keep your air purifier opposite side of the roof of a humidifier. 

Trapping odors that aren’t originated inside your home can be difficult, but placement of an purifier where the odor(s) are coming is recommended along with following the above listed pointers. 

Can air purifiers be harmful?

Yes, but no, maybe?  Indoor air purification systems and unit have become widely popular with more and more homeowners concerned with air pollution and the health of their family. While an air purifier targets airborne particles, dust, pollen, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds), there are some unit that produce ozone in the process of cleaning the air. 

There are ionic air purifiers that charge airborne particles and attract them electrostatically to metal electrodes, then as an ionization byproduct, emit ozone. Even if only a few milligrams of ozone are emitted each hour, it is the same amount as what dry-process photocopier emits with continuous operation.

Ozone has been known to cause chest pains, coughing, and damage, irritate throats and cause shortness of breath. Where air purifiers are intended to help those with respirator disease and issues, the ozone created can worsen them and compromise the body’s ability to fight a respiratory infection. 

 If you’re in the market for an air purifier, here are some tips as what to avoid: 

  • Ozone Production. There are air purifiers on the market that produce ozone, a known lung irritant. Choose an air purifier that doesn’t emit ozone. 
  • HEPA Filters. Choose an air purifier that uses a HEPA  air purifier, the gold standard for creating pure air. Hospitals and other healthcare settings use only HEPA filters for a reason. 
  • Individual Room Units. Experts recommend whole house air filtration systems versus individual room unit. Keeping clean, fresh air for the entire home makes more sense then pick and choosing rooms. 
purifier in bedroom

Are air purifiers a waste of money or Do whole house air filtration systems work?

Whole house air filtration systems offer many health advantages, among them are: 

1. Allergy and Asthma Triggers Lowered

Whole house air filtration systems reduce the contaminants that can trigger these respiratory issues like, dust, mold, pollen, and VOCs.

2. Issues Causing Poor IAQ Reduced 

Even if allergies or asthma aren’t a concern or issue in your home, whole house air filtration systems can reduce the thing that poor indoor air quality causes or irritates like dizziness, fatigue, headaches, itchy eyes, nose, skin, and throat. Coughing, sneezing, and nausea are reduced as well, even if these things aren’t specifically linked to the IAQ of your home, your family will feel better overall. 

3. Rid Odors

A home with persistent odors from cooking or tobacco can be hard to eliminate. Whole house air filtration systems with activated carbon filter or charcoal filters are ideal in helping with those odors and more.

4. Reduces Everyone Getting Sick

Whole house air filtration systems remove some bacteria and that are keeping everyone in your home from being in good health, especially during the winter  months when houses are shut up. pathogens.

Whole house air filtration systems are the best way to go, but not always affordable or feasible. When that is the case, household air purifiers comparison is better than nothing, and when combined with replacing the central air filter, dirty air has less chance of making everyone sick.Call (714) 464-6622 today for your air purifier installation in Orange, CA.

How Do I Test the Air in My Home?

indoor air quality

What is indoor air quality?

Your home is a place where you and your family should feel protected and safe.  Protected and safe from the climate, uninvited strangers, and the environment.  That includes the indoor air quality of your home.  Contrary to standard beliefs that the outdoor air is worse with pollution than staying indoors, you may be surprised to learn it is actually worse inside your fortress of protection and safety.  Yes, your home has unhealthy air, and your family is breathing it in every day and every night.

Indoor Air  Quality (IAQ) represents the quality of the air inside your home, office, or other structures. Indoor air quality of a business can affect the health of the employees, customers, and visitors and the IAQ of your home can affect your family’s health. Sometime the health effects from poor indoor air quality is immediate and other times, it can take years.

What are the symptoms of bad air quality in the home?

Your family’s health is one of the best ways to determine if the indoor air quality of your home is bad. If any member for your family suffers from these things, it may not “just allergies” causing them:

  • Congestion and coughing
  • Sneezing and watery eyes
  • Headaches
  • Frequent nosebleeds

Pay close attention to anyone that shows these symptoms and if they didn’t show them until they had been in your home for period of time.  Things that can cause poor indoor air quality include asbestos, off-gassing, and toxic mold spores.  These can all create and lead to your family suffering extreme health consequences and developing into a chronic sickness including and beyond chills, dizziness, fatigue, fever, muscle aches, nausea/vomiting, rashes, and shortness of breath.

Your home could be telling you that you have poor indoor air quality too with things like:

  • Dust Buildup: If you have a significant buildup of dust on surfaces and around the vents, your home probably has indoor air quality issues. Simply upgrading your air filter to an HEPA filter could be all the fix your home needs.
  • Inconsistent Air Distribution: Does your home have cold and warm spots? This is indicative that your home has poor air distribution which probably means you have poor indoor air quality. Have your HVAC system professionally inspected and consider either new windows or having the windows tinted.
  • Humidity Issues: The relative humidity in your home should be between 35% and 50% for ideal comfort and prevent the grown of microorganism. When there isn’t enough humidity, it creates a poor indoor air quality everyone suffers from dry and itchy eyes, sinus, and skin. There is n increase in upper respiratory infections and furniture begins to warp. When the humidity is too high, it creates the perfect setting for mildew, mold, and microbe growth. These things can be remedied by adding dehumidifiers and humidifiers.
  • Mildew & Mold Growth: Mildew and mold growth typically happen when the relative humidity level is high the air circulation is poor.  A musty odor accompanies mold issues with black and green spots around sinks, tubs, and other moist areas, all creating poor indoor air quality.
  • Unpleasant Odors: A home with that musty, unpleasant odors of mildew and mold will usually have a pest infestation, and decomposition of dirt, debris, and dust on surfaces in your home.

What are the 4 major indoor air pollutants?

The Environmental Protection Agency says there are thirteen common sources for indoor air pollutants within four categories:

  • VOC
  • Biological pollutants
  • Combustion byproducts
  • Legacy pollutants

 Yes, polluted air isn’t just from factories and vehicles. Four of the most common factors to poor indoor air quality are:

  • Carbon Monoxide – an invisible and odorless gas from fossil fuels.
  • Radon – a colorless and odorless gas from uranium breaking down in the Earth.
  • Nitrogen Dioxide – a corrosive and toxic gas.
  • Secondhand smoke – containing over 4,000 chemical ingredients from tobacco smoke

How do you test indoor air quality?

Technology today provides us a less expensive and smaller types of indoor air quality tests using sensors. By strategically placing these sensors around your home as instructed, one very ten thousand square feet is recommended, you’ll be able to test your home for measurement of the following pollutants:

  • Carbon monoxide
  • Formaldehyde
  • Humidity
  • Particulate matter
  • Radon
  • VOC’s

There are sensors that can measure bioaerosols, methane, and more that can all effect the indoor air quality of your home.

How much does an indoor air quality test cost?

 There are indoor air quality testing kits for various pollutants you can purchase for as little as $10.00 at your local hardware or big box home improvement stores.  Along with those kids, you an also purchase alarms for carbon dioxide, fire alarm, smoke alarm, and radon.

Or you can have your home tested by a professional, with rates starting around $250.00 up to $500.00 and more.  The professional tests are more detailed and extensive, including samples collected for analyzing. The more extensive testing, the more it will cost and the longer it will take to get results.

dusty vent

How can I improve indoor air quality?

  There are several ways on How to indoor air quality improvements. Once is having an air purifier installed in your home that is fitted to your HVAC unit or the air duct system. You can also purchase portable room air purifiers.  Other things you can do to improve your home’s indoor air quality are:

  1. Change or clean the air filter in your HVAC system.
  2. Change other air filters like the vent-a-hood and exhaust fans.
  3. Have the air ducts professionally cleaned.
  4. Use the vent-a-hood and exhaust fans once a week even if you’re not bathing or cooking.
  5. Have the carpets and rugs professional cleaned.
  6. Keep the humidity in your home controlled.
  7. Buy plants for indoors and place around your home.

Need help with indoor air quality in Orange, CA? Call (714) 464-6622 today.

How often should a heating system be serviced?

hvac systems outside

Keeping your HVAC at its best

One of the most important things a homeowner can do for their home is routine HVAC maintenance. The practice of preventive hvac maintenance is a good investment that protects an important component of the home that is too often taken for granted. No matter the season, knowing that you have kept your HVAC maintenance routine in line, your home will be comfortable because your HVAC system is tuned up and ready. 

Your vehicle is an expensive purchase, and you have routine maintenance to keep it in top condition. The same should be true of your HVAC system and the HVAC maintenance. Do furnaces need to be serviced? Absolutely!  With a routine schedule of hvac maintenance, benefits you will gain include: 

  • Energy Bills Lowered: Examine your energy bill and you may notice slight increases. This is can often be because of the HVAC system isn’t operating as efficient as it could. With a professional HVAC maintenance and inspection, it will be tuned up and operating better. Keeping a routine of annual HVAC maintenance and inspection by a professional HVAC contractor will keep it in that condition. 
  • Less Unexpected Repairs: With routine professional HVAC maintenance and inspection, those pesky issues get found and taken care of before they become an expensive repair. When you notice any odd odor or sound coming from your HVAC system, take that as an indication it is time to schedule a professional HVAC maintenance appointment, then keep a routine of an annual appointment to avoid those unexpected repairs.
  • Breakdowns Become Minimal: Even nonexistent! Having the air conditioning quit on the hottest day of summer or the heater does not turn on the coldest night of winter is the last thing anybody wants to happen. With a professional routine of HVAC maintenance and inspections, the things that cause either of those are less likely to happen. 
  • Extended Lifespan: A new HVAC system is a huge expense for any homeowner. To get the most out of your expenditure, having a regular routine of HVAC maintenance by you and routine professional HVAC check-ups and inspections, you’ll extend the life of your HVAC system, and delay the need to purchase another one anytime soon. 
  • Safety: Safety is one of the most biggest things why hvac maintenance is important. With regular HVAC maintenance checks and inspections by you on a monthly routine and by a professional annually, potentially dangerous problems are found and resolved. A malfunctioning heater can be hazardous to the health and lives of your family from carbon monoxide poisoning. The possibility of fires become more possible when HVAC maintenance has been ignored. 

What is routine maintenance on a furnace?

A routine HVAC maintenance for the furnace is a common sense and small amount of effort. The TLC you extend to your air conditioning and furnace will keep your home comfortable and safe while extending the life of the system. Routine HVAC maintenance will give you all the benefits we listed above, and the biggest two that you’ll notice is energy bill savings and possible down time on a cold freezing night or blistering hot day.  

How do I maintain my heating system?

We offer this  simple checklist for your furnace HVAC maintenance: 

1. Clean or change the air  filter

The air filter has a crucial job of the air delivered from the furnace being clean. The air filter removes particulates out of the air it takes in from your home before it heats it and sends it back out. Those particulates can affect your family’s health include bacterial, dust and dust mites, pet dander, pollen, spores, and more. Cleaning or changing the air filter every 30 days is an easy and an inexpensive way to provide your home a basic HVAC maintenance and protection. 

2. Correctly Functioning Blower Motor

The blower motor in the furnace is what drives the fan to get the air movement through the furnace over the heating element and through the heat exchanger. All of that activity is what keeps your home at a comfortable and desired temperature as the blower motor pushes that air out. Keep the blower motor surface clean and if you hear loud noises like metal grinding or scraping, call a professional furnace technician for service. 

3. Reduce the Load

Keeping your home’s structure sound and stable will reduce the load on the furnace for keeping your home comfortable and warm.  The more leaks to the attic (remember hot air rises), and around the doors and windows, the harder your furnace has to work. Part of your HVAC maintenance routine is check for any weakness in these areas and addressing them promptly.   

4. Keeping Vents Clear and Free

For your furnace heating system to work as well as you expect and the warm air circulating, throughout the system, make sure all the vents are opened and clear of anything blocking them. From boxes and curtains to furniture and toys, anything that is in front of or on top of the vents will eliminate that furnace warmed air from circulating and the furnace will work harder to maintain the temperature you desire. 

5. Keep Exhaust Flue Clear

The exhaust flue is on the outside of your home and should be included on your regular HVAC maintenance routine. A flue that is blocked or malfunctioning can create dangerous setting with carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide that will fill your home. These can each cause multiple health issues and even death. 

6. Keep the Furnace Clear

A furnace is often located in a basement, a closet, the crawl space, or a storage room. Keep flammable things away from the furnace like aerosols, gasoline, and paint that are usually found in garages. Or things like boxes, clothes, and furniture found in attics and closets. These things are flammable and having them stored around or near the furnace is a dangerous risk. 

7. Keep Ductwork and Vents Clean

To get the most from your cooling and heating system, an important part of the HVAC maintenance process is keeping the ductwork and vents clean. You can do this yourself or hire an air duct cleaning service, once every 2 to 3 years is recommended. This will also minimize the dust in your home! 

Is annual maintenance on furnace necessary?

Manufacturers of furnaces and HVAC systems recommend having a professional contractor inspect your hvac for maintenance and longevity. These annual inspections and HVAC maintenance appointment with a qualified technician will not only keep your system operating correctly, but guarantee the warranty is honored. A HVAC system that is not properly maintained can void any manufacturer warranty, citing owner neglect.

line of hvac systems

How do I test my heating system?

Even if you have kept a routine HVAC maintenance with your own tasks and having a professional appointment, you want to check the heating system before winter arrives each years. To do that, follow these three steps for a heating system check: 

  • Safety Check: Make sure that anything combustible is removed from the heating system. This includes boxes, chemicals, fabrics, etc. 
  • Thermostat Check: Make sure any emergency switch or valve are on and the thermostat is set 10 degrees higher. 
  • Listen: If you hear a humming sound and the furnace doesn’t start, push the reset button. If still nothing, then call your furnace, HVAC specialist. 

Need help with your HVAC system in Orange, CA? Call (714) 464-6622 today!

Does an Electric Furnace Need Maintenance?

working on a furnace

Does an electric furnace need maintenance?

Definitely! Any type of cooling or heating system should always have a maintenance routine by either the homeowner or a professional HVAC technician. In fact, any appliance in your home should have a maintenance routine. Having a professional Electric furnace maintenance just before winter is always recommended.

Electric furnaces are more common than gas because every home has electricity, not all homes have gas. There is also the safety concerns that many people still have today with gas furnaces and the possible hazards from combustible gases and toxic fumes. Fortunately, over the years, we’ve seen great improvements in that area with gas furnaces.

Durability and longevity are perhaps two of the biggest advantages of an electric furnace. With proper routine electric furnace maintenance, you can expect to get ten years lifespan with fewer services calls than a gas furnace. The recommended electric furnace maintenance will fend off the needs for emergency repair calls on a cold winter night.

Of course, it all depends on who you speak with in determining electric or gas furnace choices. Everyone has an opinion such as electric furnaces aren’t as energy-efficient than a gas models. However, like current technology has improved with gas furnaces it has with electric furnaces as well, and they can hold up in fair comparison today.

Why does an electric furnace need maintenance?

An electric furnace works through resistance heating, meaning its power comes from the heating element coils inside the furnace cabinet. When the electric furnace is on, it heats up the coils and elements and that heats up the air that blows through the ductwork.

What is electric furnace maintenance?

All of this puts stress on the coil and heating elements, and without professional electric furnace maintenance and routine care by the homeowner, they will need replacing, usually at the most inopportune time. During a professional electric furnace maintenance service call, the technician will perform the following:

  • Inspect the heating elements
  • Inspect the entire system, adjusting, cleaning, tightening as needed
  • Inspect the air handler
  • Inspect the motors, cleaning and lubricating as needed
  • Inspect the capacitors, replace any that may be failing

At the end of the electric furnace maintenance checkup, the technician will advise the homeowner is any additional work is recommended that my need their approval for expense.

What is electric furnace maintenance?

An electric furnace maintenance routine is when the components inside the electric furnace are inspected, cleaned, tightened, repaired, or replaced. The technician will check the blower motor, making sure it is sending the heated air through the heating elements and on through the air duct and ventilation system.

Electric furnace maintenance checks of the blower fan and motor will make sure they aren’t damaged or near being worn down. Cleaning and lubricating these parts are an important part of the electric furnace maintenance routine.

How often should an electric furnace be serviced?

The electric furnace should have an annual cleaning by a professional included with the electric furnace maintenance. Is electric furnace maintenance necessary? If you want your electric furnace to keep working through the winter without downtime, yes. A professional electric furnace maintenance will include looking for indications of deterioration.

There are five indicators of an electric furnace deteriorating, that the technician will be checking:

  • Electric furnace is over fifteen years old
  • Your energy heating bills are skyrocketing
  • You’re having constant repairs to your electric furnace
  • The temperature is uneven throughout your house
  • There is  soot around the registers
  • The electric furnace is loud and noisy

How often should you clean your furnace?

A complete electric furnace, duct cleaning, dryer vents and other components can cost between $200 to $400 on average, maybe more in some areas. So, it only makes sense that a homeowner on budget is going to question the validity of how often.

Experienced electric  furnace cleaning technicians recommend no less than every 2 year and if there are pets in the house, once a year. Other signs that could be telling you to it is time for an electric furnace maintenance service would be:

  • Wisps of dust blow out of air vents
  • Dust or pet hair stuck in vent?
  • Vent grill are covered in dust?
  • You have to dust more frequent?

Or have you noticed any increase in the following:

  • Excessive coughing
  • Eyes and throat are irritated
  • Respiratory illnesses
  • Seasonal allergies off-season
burner in furnace

How do I clean my electric furnace?

Having an electric furnace, you have to realize that it is going to get dirt and dusty.  Fortunately, there aren’t many parts to be cleaned by the homeowner, and highest recommendation is to have it professionally cleaned and include and electric furnace maintenance agreement.

In between those professional appointments, here we provide you a few things to know How to do electric furnace maintenance do safely to clean your electric furnace.

  • Vacuum out debris, dirt, dust inside of the furnace
  • Vacuum around the blower wheel and compartment
  • Use a stiff brush to remove stuck on dust in the blower wheel and vacuum off
  • Do not touch any wires!

Just how long should an electric furnace last? With proper maintenance by the homeowner and professional electric furnace maintenance and inspections, you can expect a lifespan between twenty and thirty years. Need help with your furnace in Orange, CA? Call (714) 464-6622 today!

What does an air filtration system do?

air filtration systems in a home

Get clean air

There is air pollution all around us, including in our homes. You like to believe that you home is a safe harbor, and for the most part, it is, but when it comes to air pollution, your home may not be as safe as it is outside. That is why having an air filtration system in homes is becoming more the norm and not the rarity it once was. 

Your home has up to five more times pollutants and toxins than the air outside. Appalled?! Yes, while we are taking allergy medications and getting allergy shots, we are also going home and breathing in more than we do outside all day. When we consider these things, no wonder more homeowners are installing an air filtration system.

What are the 4 major indoor air pollutants?

Well, there are more than four, but the major pollutants that an air filtration system could minimize or even eliminate are: 

  • Carbon monoxide – A colorless, odorless gas produced by natural gas, kerosene, propane, oil, or wood burning appliances or heaters, and an element of car exhaust.
  • Tobacco smoke – Over 3,000 chemical compounds are composed together are released into the homes of smokers. 
  • Radon – Another colorless and odorless gas but is radioactive and comes from the earth in the form of a uranium breaking down in the soil below our homes, then seeps through the floors, foundation, and walls. 
  • Mold – Any damp area in your home, air conditioner, basement, carpeting, ceiling, humidifier, mattress, refrigerator, will grow airborne mold spores.

Other pollutants found in home are pesticides and solvents. Both provide dangerous breathing situations with their ingredients. If a humidifier can be good for the home, then what about the mold mentioned earlier? What is the difference between an air purifiers vs dehumidifiers? 

An air in your home is circulated through an air purifier. Inside that air purifier is the air filtration system where air-borne pollutants are trapped in a filter, including irritants like dust, pollen, and smoke. 

A dehumidifier reduces the humidity by sucking in moisture from the air. Once that moisture is sucked in, the microbes and mold in the air are killed.  So, because a humidifier sucks in mold, if the filter isn’t changed on regular schedule, those air-borne mold particles are released back into the air you’re breathing. An air filtration system will suck in those particles and minimize how much is escaping into the air. 

Should I sleep with the air purifier on?

The  air purifiers benefits your family can have should be around the clock, and if they are more important at any point, it is while you’re sleeping.  The pollutants inside your home are coming from things like formaldehyde in the flooring and furniture. These are things escaping into the air 24/7/365. Fortunately, an air filtration system or air purifier doesn’t use much energy, and most have a low speed you can set the unit at while it is constantly running. 

Do air purifiers cool the air?

While an air purifier circulates air with an internal fan, it does not cool the air. There is nothing inside an air filtration system, like a mechanism that cools. 

Do air purifiers dry out sinuses?

No, and air purifier will not dry out your sinuses. There are a series of filters inside an air filtration system and air moves through those, getting rid of any airborne molecules. An air purifier is only taking in particles, not the air, which is what dries sinuses out. 

Humidity is different every season, so we have to approach and treat it differently. When the weather is at its hottest, summertime, the humidity is sometimes intolerable for many. So, using a method that will lower the humidity makes us more comfortable, like a dehumidifier. 

During the winter, the humidity is different and actually drop too low, causing your home to be extra dry when the heater is running. So, you need a piece of equipment that adds the moisture back into your home.    

clean air filter

How do you clean the air in your house?

  • Purchasing air purifiers to remove dust in areas where you spend the most time, bedrooms, and family room.  Air filtration in the laundry room is helpful too. Other things you can do to clean the air in your home are: 
  • Increase Ventilation to reduce the moisture levels, a huge indoor air problem. DO this by installing air filtration system that will cycle the air inside. And use the exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen. 
  • Use beeswax candles instead of the scented candles. Beeswax candles ionize the air, neutralizing the toxic compounds and contaminants, acting as a natural air filtration system.
  • A salt lamp is a great natural air filtration system that reduces airborne allergens, irritants, and pathogens by pulling water vapor out of the air. 
  • Activated charcoal is a great natural air filtration system too. It purifies the indoor air with an  odorless, highly-absorptive method that eliminates toxins from the air.
  • Houseplants in every room is a natural air filtration system and adds beauty and color to your home too. 

Keep your carpets cleaned, daily vacuuming once a month shampoo, and twice a year professionally cleaned. Installing air purifiers or mold removers in areas that are damp and prone to have mold, bathrooms, laundry room, and kitchen. Anyone that smokes, ask them do take it outside and when you enter your home, take off your shoes!  These are tracking in more pollutants and toxins that you’re breathing in. Want to get started with an air filtration system for your home? Call (714) 464-6622 today!

How can I make my house more energy efficient?

an energy efficient ac unit

Better Ways to Cool Your Home

We’re headed into mid-summer and the temperatures are rising. No homeowner wants to pay higher electric bills that usually comes with summer months. Even though the temperatures are mild for Orange County, California, homeowners still want to have an energy efficient air conditioner.   

Not just during the summer months, but homeowners across the country are continuously looking for energy efficient tips to help with their energy bills. Not just electricity either, we want help to minimize our natural gas and water bills too. It’s an ongoing mission. 

While having an energy efficient air conditioner is on obvious way to save on energy cost, how do you know you’re getting the best energy efficient air conditioner? Homeowners that start shopping for an energy efficient air conditioner often will ask the salesperson, “Which air conditioner is most energy efficient?” All the manufacturers will tell you theirs are, but truly, which is the most energy efficient air conditioner and how do you know? 

Experts in air conditioning will tell you that the models and units that are the most energy efficient are ENERGY STAR® compliant. Manufacturers must meet standards that are above the basic standards to receive this certification as an energy efficient air conditioner unit with criteria like:

  • minimum ten percent more efficient than government standard requirements
  • made with better materials and parts that are more efficient for energy use
  • superior performance for consumers
  • provide consumers reduced energy costs for recouping their upfront expense
  • eco or energy-saving mode, filter cleaning reminders
energy efficient AC unit

How do you reduce energy consumption?

We don’t realize that some of the smallest electronics we use can be energy eating item. Here are five simple ways to reduce the daily energy consumption in your home:

1. Turn off computers

This is especially helpful in commercial buildings, but an excellent practice at home. Turn the computer and this includes the monitor. The screensaver mode isn’t an energy saving mode. Will shutting down your computer shorten the lifespan? Absolutely not, with today’s computers and the EnergyStar requirements, all is good to power down! 

2. Choose lighting that is right

The most energy efficient light bulbs are the LED bulbs, which use three-fourths the energy that standard lightbulbs do. They have a longer lifespan too because they do not have any mercury. 

3. Idle electronics should be unplugged

The refrigerator has to stay plugged in, so your food doesn’t ruin, but the microwave, printers, scanners, and televisions don’t. Even if they go into standby power, they are using electricity. If a charger or cord feels warm, then it has been pulling in electricity. If you’re not using it, unplug it. Idle electronics across the country use the amount of power of twelve power plants.

4. Decrease the energy loads with power strips

You’re probably thinking, “what a pain that will be to go around unplugging 20 different electronics every day, then plug them back in!”.  Using power strips will enable you to turn off several items at once by simply flipping the power strip switch. Kill that energy vampire with one switch at a time! 

5. Lights Off!

Are you leaving the room for more than 5 minutes? Turn the light off! 

Is it cheaper to run your AC all day?

When the temperatures will be hot, it is less expensive to live your air conditioner on during the day, even if you’re not hope. However, it shouldn’t be left at full blast and cold the whole time. This isn’t only to be energy efficient or cost effective. It can wear your unit out faster and you’ll be having repair cost or replacement cost sooner.

At what temperature AC consumes less power?

To maintain an ideal setting for the air conditioner, set the thermostat at 25 degrees cooler than the expected high for the day. Each 22 degree drop uses as much as four percent less power.

What are 7 ways that you can reduce yfour own personal consumption of energy?

We listed five things you can do to reduce energy consumption earlier, but there are more things you can do. The following is a list of energy efficient tips that you can implement in addition to purchasing energy efficient air conditioner, because not all energy efficiency is electrical. Look:

1. Energy Efficiency the Refrigerator

Setting the temperature at 37 degrees will lessen how much  energy this appliance uses. Make sure all the gaskets around the freezer and fridge door are sealing too.

2. Switch on Fluorescent Bulbs

CF (compact fluorescent) bulbs use just one-fifth of the incandescent light bulbs and they have a longer lifespan up to six times.

3. Automatic or Timed Light Sensors

Outdoor lighting provides security, but you don’t need them on all the time isn’t necessary though. Have a professional electrician install automatic and timed sensors for all your outdoor lighting so they only come on at dusk and turn off at dawn.

4. Solar-Powered Lighting

Nothing says welcome more than a walkway lit up, or flowerbeds with soft lighting shining on your home’s architecture. Having all those lights burning when you don’t need them is a waste of energy. Switch out all the landscape lighting with solar-powered lights and let the sun power them! 

5. Buy Appliances with EnergyStar Rating

As we mentioned above when buying energy efficient air conditioner, the EnergyStar standards indicate you will get a money saving air conditioner. The same is to be said about all appliances and electronics. These all cost more to purchase, but to be in line with the EnergyStar guidelines, the appliances have to be guaranteed to have a lower operating cost.

6. Insulation Is the Big Winner

If your home has electric heat, the more insulation you can have in the attic, basement, and walls, the more you’ll mitigate the energy loss and reduce your home’s electricity consumption during the winter. During the summer, it does just the opposite and keeps the cool air in and the heat out. Insulating your home will help keep that cool air from your new energy efficient air conditioner inside where it belongs!  

7. Insulate the Water Lines and Water Heater

Wrap your electric water heater with an insulation jacket will reduce how much electricity it uses and wrap the hot water lines will keep the water hot from the water heater to the faucet.

energy efficient air conditioner

Closing Words on This Topic

Other things you can do in addition to buying an energy efficient air conditioner and following the tips we’ve discussed here is installing energy efficient windows. Windows that are more than 10 years old are letting a lot of the energy efficient air conditioner cold air out during the summer and a lot of cold air in during the winter.

Not only will upgrading to energy efficient windows save you money with the cooling and heating bills, but you’ll get tax credit too. If you can’t afford new windows, weatherstripping is inexpensive and mitigate the lost cooled or heated air by preventing cold or hot air drafts.

Should I Repair or Replace my Air Conditioning System?

Air conditioner repair

When should I replace my air conditioner?

When it comes to living in Orange, CA you’re going to want an air conditioner for much of the year to regulate your home. When it comes to maintaining your unit, it can be easy to wonder then what should be done when something goes wrong. In a broader sense, it is not a common occurrence that an air conditioner needs to be replaced unless it is at an advanced age. More commonly, a homeowner will only need air conditioner repair to the system that cools their home. That is because the entire system and other parts of the greater HVAC system have multiple parts that can break down due to varying reasons. At 10 years of age, air conditioners will show the signs of needing a replacement. Ideally, they last up to 15 years, but the general age for replacement sits at ten years. 

At the point of needing either for that matter, while air conditioner repair can be made by the homeowner with a good amount of effort, air conditioner replacement cannot be done by an untrained person. The reason being is that the air conditioner is made up of several sections that are integrated into the electric system of the home and also there needs to be specific knowledge to the right parts for the system. In any case, it can be normal to commit to air conditioner repair. What can also be done is to get a technician to take on the problem and can confidently take care of it. Trust the experts at Elite HVAC to get the job done when you call (714) 464-6622 to schedule your appointment for central air conditioner repair.

Is it worth replacing the compressor on AC unit?

Among HVAC technicians, there is a general agreement that the compressor in an AC unit gets a lot of blame but is not necessarily the cause of most problems. In reality, this part of the air conditioning unit tends to last as long as the system, boasting a general lifespan of 12 hears and sometimes more. Normally as well, when a homeowner has the compressor replaced, it generally is apart of an entire air conditioner replacement. As it stands, most problems that occur in the compressor can actually be prevented. One will find that these problems include:

  • Too much or too little refrigerant: The compressor needs a specific amount of refrigerant to effectively fulfill its purpose. Too little can lead to a strain in the system whereas too much can lead to subcooling and further damages.
  • Suction line size: When the size of the suction line is too small or large, the compressor can fail prematurely
  • Ill kept coils: Air passes through and around the condenser coils, building up any manner of filth like dust and grime. When not cleaned, the compressor can overheat and eventually fail. 
  • Lack of lubrication: As a machine, each part needs to be properly maintained and oiled so it does not catch or eventually fail
  • Blockages: In many parts of the entire air conditioning system, blockages can damage the compressor directly even if it’s not in contact with the problem. 

While other problems also occur in the electrical and cleaning aspects of the compressor, each of the mentioned issues can be avoided. While a person should check up on their system every so often, the best way to keep it in good condition is to have a technician inspect it. The best way to avoid the need for air conditioner repair services is to have the system inspected at least once to twice per year in the spring and fall.

Can a dirty filter cause AC not to work?

While many problems that call for air conditioner repair are often not the compressor, it is common for problem to arise when the filter is dirty. A dirty filter can be considered in the same conversation as a blockage, which forces the compressor and other parts to work harder in order to cool the home. The general consensus among technicians, therefore, is that the filter should be replaced at a frequency depending on the home.

  • 20-45 days for homes with pets and occupants that suffer allergies
  • Every 60 days when occupants just have pets
  • 90 days for homes without pets

When your home is not necessarily cooling efficiently, it tends to lean towards dirty filters, dirty parts, or a blockage that has formed in the ventilation. As mentioned, the system needs to be well maintained to a larger degree to constantly cool the home and to last for the 15 years that it can achieve.

air conditioner

How do I reset my air conditioning unit?

When trying to fix your air conditioning unit, knowing that it is well taken care of, sometimes all that needs to be done is a reset. In order to do that, all a person needs to do is shut it down at the nearest thermostat. If you have multiple units built into your home, you will need to go to multiple thermostats. You will then need to reset the power feeding into the units at the circuit breaker, which should be labeled. After waiting a minute, flip the switches for the units back on and turn the air conditioner on at the thermostat. By that point, your system has been successfully reset and if that is all it needed, it should be cooling the home. When you need air conditioner repair or other services, you can depend on Elite HVAC in Orange, CA to get your system working. Call (714) 464-6622 today to schedule your appointment for our services.

What is an energy-efficient air conditioner?

old air conditioner system outside home

Do AC units use a lot of electricity?

Why should you consider buying an energy efficient air conditioner? Well, summer is quickly approaching, and many homeowners already dread that rise in the electric bill that comes with a constantly running air conditioner. Some of those same homeowners are wondering if it may be worth upgrading to an energy efficient air conditioner unit now. Maybe it will save some money this summer, o should you be considering this expenditure this spring? Keep reading as we answer common questions and provide helpful information: 

Central HVAC system is an energy hog, especially when running the air conditioner part of the system. The average home air conditioning uses the most electricity, from 16% of total electricity to 70% in warmer climates. The best and easiest way to minimize that expense is to run the air conditioner less and set the thermostat up a degree or two higher. Even with the highest energy efficient air conditioners, the higher the thermostat setting and the less you run it at all, the cheaper it will be on your electrical bill.

Is it cheaper to run central AC or window units?

The cooling and heating of your home can take up to 50% of your budget every month. With summer coming, you already know a lot of that expense will cool costs, especially if the kids are home all day. So, before summer settles in, maybe you need to consider getting an energy efficient air conditioner? 

You may replace your central air conditioning with window units, and what the air conditioner energy efficiency ratio between the two methods is the best. It is important to find a method to cool your home with a method that is air conditioning energy efficient. Besides energy efficient air conditioners, homeowners want convenience and easy operation for the HVAC system.

That is where the programmable thermostats on the market today are a big part of the energy efficient air conditioner shopping. These thermostats allow you to set the temperature to fluctuate with various times of day and night. Window unit air conditioners today come with an EnergySaver option that will only turn the air conditioning (or heat) on when it senses the room temperature isn’t where the thermostat is set. It turns on the cooling feature or heating feature accordingly. 

Comfort is another motive for upgrading to a newer energy efficient air conditioner too. The newer the system, the more it will keep the temperature at an even point all through the house. With the EnergySaver option mentioned above, window units can keep the temperature more consistent throughout the house, but each room may still feel a little cooler or warmer than other rooms. However, with window units, you can turn off a unit to one room that isn’t being used. 

Can a faulty thermostat cause a high electric bill?

If your electric bill reached extraordinarily high numbers last summer, making you dread the upcoming summer, try replacing your thermostat first. Even with the highest energy efficient air conditioners, a thermostat can begin to malfunction as it wears out. Fortunately, air conditioners don’t go out as often!  

Thermostat manufacturers don’t give an expected exact lifespan on the units, but on average, they last around ten years. On average, you can expect them to last at least 10 years. After 10 years they may begin to malfunction from dust accumulating and wiring getting brittle.

When this happens, they aren’t able to detect the temperature properly in the house and cut off and on frequently or don’t turn off or on. Even with a brand-new energy efficient air conditioner installed, if the thermostat is old, you will not get the most from your new unit.

newly installed air conditioner

At what temperature AC consumes less power?

The ideal air condition thermostat setting is 72 degrees Fahrenheit. For every degree you have that, your energy efficient air conditioner unit will use as much as four percent less power. By lowering the temperature setpoint, the compressor runs longer to achieve that temperature.

Even after purchasing a new energy efficient air conditioner, the biggest, most frequently asked question is “How can I reduce my AC electricity bill?” especially after getting those skyrocket high bills during the summer. As we have covered earlier, the air conditioner is the biggest power consumption in your home. Here are 5 things you can do that will help ease that electric bill this summer:

  1. Go One Up: Raising the thermostat from 71 to 72 really won’t make that much difference in the room, but it will take less electricity because the unit won’t be running as much.
  2. Program A Smart Thermostat: A smart thermostat is only as smart as you tell it to be. Buying one and installing it will not automatically lower your electric bill. Learn how to work the unit and when you’re not home, set the thermostat at a higher temperature during the summer so that it isn’t cooling an empty house.
  3. Keep the Air Flowing Clean: When the air conditioning ducts and filters are dirty, it blocks the air from flowing through as intended, making the HVAC unit work harder. The harder it works, the more electricity it takes.
  4. Regular Professional Maintenance: A professional air conditioning technician can see what you can’t in an air conditioning unit. They will clean components that you can’t reach, repair any electrical connections, and replace worn parts, all of which will make the unit run more efficiently.
  5. Insulation Keeps Things Cool: You’ll get more out of your energy efficient air conditioner when you have updated the insulation in your attic. It will also help during the winter and keep the heat inside!

Need energy efficient air conditioner installation in Orange, CA? Call the experts at Elite HVAC at (714) 464-6622 today!

Humidifier Benefits

home temperature gauge

Why do People use Humidifiers?

Humidifier installation has become a popular service across the country as more homeowners every day realize the benefits that a whole house humidifier can bring to them. Being a service Elite HVAC provides, humidifier installations bring numerous health benefits all throughout the year and also can help with a few appliances as well. Humidifier benefits extend to not only the health of the owner, but also anyone that enters the building. Here are some humidifier benefits:

  • Relieves certain allergies 
  • Decreases static
  • Takes strain off heater by making air warmer
  • Helps with snoring
  • Helps with dry skin and irritated eyes

While largely known, humidifier installation brings two lesser known benefits to homeowners and smaller humidifier units alike. The first is a benefit to wooden appliances, when exposed to dry conditions with a serious lack of moisture in the air, such appliances and parts of the home can dry out, cracking as a result. Humidifier installation solves that question while at the same time making the general environment of a home more pleasant. 

Another and recently discovered humidifier benefit is the fact that a humid environment makes it more difficult for people to catch viruses. In far less scientific and far more general terms, humid air weighs a virus like the flu down with water particles, making them drop rather than coming into contact with you. 

How does a Humidifier work?

Depending on the installed device, humidifiers result in the emission of water vapor into the air. Some heat water and carry the mist through a wind tunnel caused by a fan or are dispersed into the air through vibration. It is not uncommon for a humidifier to be connected to an air conditioner and heating unit, providing a constant environment each time the appliance turns on. Before going into the general air of the home, the moisture runs through a filter to effectively grant the best experience. 

There are common misconceptions with humidifiers versus vaporizers. While some humidifiers do heat water into steam and disperses it into the air, that technique is far more common and specialized in vaporizers. As mentioned, humidifiers use multiple different different kinds of methods to disperse water particles into the air. While both are effective to use for allergies, humidifiers are more common in larger models like those seen in whole house humidifiers. 

Humidifiers can be used at all times when having a source of water to disperse into the air. While mobile units depend on constant refilling to keep the area relatively humid, whole house humidifiers have constant access to your water while making very little difference on your water bill. In fact, in areas with colder weather, humidifiers use around 12 gallons of water per day when the heater is in constant use. In a sense, whole house humidifiers activate and are in use when your HVAC is in use.

Should I install my Humidifier on my Furnace?

Humidifier benefits can be best felt when connected to a heater, due to the lack of moisture in the air due to the appliance warming the air in a way that dehydrates the interior of your home. A humidifier would apply a light level of moisture to the outgoing air, helping it stay warmer longer and putting less strain on the heater as a result. 

To avoid common problems in whole home humidifiers and receive humidifier benefits, we recommend a Elite HVAC visits your home at least once a year to apply maintenance to your HVAC and humidifier systems. With a lifespan of ten years, a whole house humidifier tends to break down on rare occasions. The issues owners should stay observant for is mold and leaking in your unit. Due to the nature of the product passing moisture through your air ducts, there are infrequent occasions where mold pops up. This and general technical issues that can easily be fixed by one of our technicians in Orange, CA. 


How to Sanitize a Humidifier

The best way to get your humidifier benefits from your humidifier or whole home humidifier is to occasionally provide cleaning. There are in fact ways to keep your humidifier clean without much work on your part and the benefits will be noticeable with relatively little effort. Whole home humidifiers require less cleaning, only needing a wipe out of the mineral deposits after the colder seasons have passed and replace the water panel or evaporator pad. It is recommended to clean such parts when they are still soft and wet. Here are the reasons you should clean your water whole home humidifier:

  • To keep the filter working and have constant clean water particles in the air
  • Assurance that no parts are broken and no damage has accumulated during times of heavy use
  • Check for leaks, an issue that can deteriorate your home and other appliances

Upon applying maintenance in the form of cleaning your whole home humidifier, it is recommended you use disinfecting products such as wipes and sprays, wiping it down after. Such maintenance helps lessen the chance of mold appearing and extends your whole home humidifer’s lifespan considerably. For more information on how we can install a whole home humidifier into your home and our other services, call (714) 464-6622 today for more information or an appointment. 

What is the average life expectancy of a gas furnace?

Interior of a gas furnace

Is it time for a new furnace?

Did you know that if you run your gas furnace without a filter for one night, it won’t hurt the furnace? However, the longer you leave it without a filter, it will collect more contaminants inside the heating unit and its inner mechanisms.

The best part of winter, other than when it is over, is coming into a nice warm house. Whether you have a gas furnace or electric furnace, a warm house in the winter is excellent, but when the furnace isn’t working as it should, it can leave you in the cold. When that happens, it is time to contact a professional gas furnace repair contractor and stat! 

To keep from having that happening, it is important to practice regular gas furnace cleaning and inspection year-round.  Even when you’re not using your gas furnace, it is still collecting dust along with cobwebs, so cleaning your gas furnace periodically year-round will help in keeping it in good working order.

How do you know if your furnace is dying?

Well, if it isn’t heating your home at all, that would be one sign that it has died. Or, if your gas furnace is short cycling, meaning it turns off and on a lot during a short time without ever heating the house, it could indicate any of the following:

  • Air filter clogged – A gas furnace with a clogged air filter will keep the blower fan can’t move air over the heat exchanger, causing it to overheat and trip the fan limiter, which shuts the system down.
  • Clogged flue – If the flue or vent pipe is clogged or damaged, the flue limiter shuts down the furnace. This is a protection step to keep the gas furnace from emitting carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Dirty thermocouple – Older gas furnaces have a thermocouple that senses the flames from the burner, allowing the flow of the natural gas. When it is damaged or dirty, the gas valve and furnace off to prevent the accumulation of gas.
  • Damaged igniter – If the igniter isn’t working or on an older gas furnace, the pilot light blows out, the furnace shuts down to prevent the accumulation of gas.
  • Failed fan limiter – The fan limiter inhibits the heat exchanger from developing hot enough to start a fire, which could damage the heat exchanger that could lead to cracking for carbon monoxide leaks. When this isn’t properly working, the gas furnace shuts off.
  • Oversized furnace – Sometimes, bigger is not better, and that could be the case with your furnace. A furnace that is too big for a house will cycle too frequently, and while this isn’t dangerous, it uses more energy, thus costing more.
Technician opening a furnace to inspect its interior

Do furnaces lose efficiency over time?

A gas furnace ages, it will begin to lose efficiency over time. There are things you can do that will improve the efficiency of your gas furnace, resulting in lower heating bills.

  • Clean the filter
  • Check for air leaks
  • Unblock radiators
  • Check for cracks and loose parts
  • Weatherize your home for winter
  • Check the burner flames
  • Inspect the limit switch
  • Clear heat pumps
  • Check intake and exhaust vents
  • Update the heating system

Do high-efficiency furnaces save money?

Definitely!  It is estimated that you lose approximately 4 percent of the energy with a top-of-the-line gas furnace, while96% is heating your home. This is a great improvement over gas furnaces of the past.

Should I replace my 30-year-old furnace? 

Thirty years is a good lifespan for a gas furnace, no matter what logic you’re told to follow. A furnace may last past that 30th birthday, but it won’t be as efficient as it was at 10-year, 15 years, even 20-year mark. Experts recommend that you should start shopping or a replacement unit at the 15-year mark.

Does a new furnace increase home value? 

Probably not, but it won’t hurt either. You shouldn’t expect a large ROI of replacing your gas furnace, but you will gain the benefit that buyers like to hear the words “new roof”, “new carpet”, “new furnace”, etc. If there are houses similar to yours on the market, the same time yours is having that “new furnace” could be what grabs that buyer.

Electric Furnace or Gas Furnace

Wrapping up this piece, we will list the pros and cons of an electric furnace and a gas furnace:

Electric Furnace Pros

  • Cheaper $2,000 to $4,000
  • Easier installation and maintenance
  • Safer
  • Quieter
  • Lasts up to thirty years

Electric Furnace Cons

  • Fuel costs higher
  • Less efficient

Gas Furnace Pros

  • Fuel costs lower
  • Lifespan 20 years
  • Heat efficiency higher

Gas Furnace Cons

  • More expensive $3,000 to $7,000
  • Installation complicated
  • Carbon monoxide concerns
  • Regular maintenance by professional required
  • Louder

Using the information that we’ve provided in this piece can help you in choosing your next furnace or getting the most out of your current gas furnace. The important thing is to make sure you have the safest means of heat while being energy efficient for the environment and your budget. When it is time for a new furnace in Orange, CA, the experts at Elite HVAC are here to help! Call us today at (714) 464-6622!