If You Have Problems with Your Ducts, You Will Notice Uneven Temperatures in Your Home.
Since air ducts perform their duties out of sight, we can easily take their good repair for granted. After all, since nothing passes through these ducts but air, they seem safe from damage. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and air ducts can eventually require repair and resealing. At Elite HVAC, we are your local experts for air duct repair, installation, and sealing.
If your air ducts spring a leak or sustain damage, you will find yourself with an improperly heated or cooled home. Your air conditioner and heater will also begin to work harder, which decreases the lifespan of these expensive machines while increasing your monthly utility bills. If you suspect you may need air duct repair in Orange, CA, give our team a call today at (714) 464-6622.
Time for Air Duct Repair

We Are Your Expert Source for the Installation of New Air Ducts.
Your air ducts provide the pathway for air to travel around your home. If they develop a need for repair or service, a few different signs will appear.
Higher Bills: Damaged air ducts force your HVAC to work uphill in regards to the regulation of your home’s temperature. This requires more energy, a demand reflected on higher monthly bills. If you’ve experienced an inexplicable rise in your gas or electric bill, you have either a problem with your heater or AC, or damaged ductwork.
Uneven Temperature Control: If you have central air and heat, but the temperature varies from room to room, damaged ducts represent a likely reason. Cool or warm air generated by your comfort system can simply leak out on its way to the problematic area.
Odd Noises: Your ducts will naturally make minor sounds as they expand and contract from heat. However, if you hear banging or other disturbing noises, you have ducts in need of service. In all likelihood, they have become detached or otherwise damaged, and require the benefit of professional repair.
Your Team for Air Duct Services
Elite HVAC can handle any needs for air duct service around your home. If you have a new house that requires ductwork, we provide exceptional installation services. As for needs with sealing or air duct repair in Orange, CA, we represent the local experts. To schedule service or ask any questions about ductwork, give us a call today at (714) 464-6622.